
blushblushConsider a branch of the hyperbola  x²-2y²-2√2x-4√2y-6=0, with vertex at the point A. Let B be one of the end points of its latus rectum .If C is the focus of the hyperbola nearest to the point A, then the area of the triangle ABC is ??????smiley

Joshi sir comment



Arrange this equation in form of standard hyperbola as 

(x-√2)2/4 - (y+√2)2/2 = 1

so X = x-√2, Y = y+√2

vertex coordinate :  X = 0 and Y = 0 so x = √2, y = -√2

similarly focus : X = ae, Y = 0,     here a = 2, b = √2 and b2 = a2(1-e2)

and end point of latus rectum : X = ae, Y = b2/a

solve the area and get the answer



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