575 - Physics Questions Answers

sir plese help me in this question
Asked By: MEHUL
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Asked By: MEHUL
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Sir plese help me in this question.
Asked By: MEHUL
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Dear Sir,  request for solution to this surface tension related question.
Asked By: RK GUPTA
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I need help in 1.107
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Physics >> Mechanics part 1 >> Error Analysis Engineering Exam

A mètre rule has an error of 0.01.It is used to take a measurement of length of 6.03m and width of 1.32.


Error analysis

Get the perimeter and the area.

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How do I go about this?

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A perfectly elastic particle is projected with a velocity v on a vertical plane through the line of greatest slope of an inclined plane of elevation α.If after striking the plane, the particle rebounds vertically show that it will return to the point of projection at the end of time equal to?



ANS GIVEN -   6V/{g(1+8sin^2(α))^(1/2)}

Asked By: ACE123
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A small ball of mass 1kg and charge 2 C 3 is placed at the centre of a uniformly charged sphere of radius 1m and charge 1mC 3 . A narrow smooth groove is made in the sphere from centre to surface as shown in figure. The sphere is made to rotate about its vertical diameter at a constant rate of 1 2 revolutions per second. Find the speed w.r.t. ground with which the ball slides out from the groove. Neglect any magnetic force acting on ball


Asked By: UNNATI
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Asked By: ANKIT DE
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