42 - Magnetism Questions Answers

sir plese help me in this question
Asked By: MEHUL
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Asked By: MEHUL
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Sir plese help me in this question.
Asked By: MEHUL
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In a region of space, a uniform electric field 𝐸⃗⃗⃗ , uniform magnetic field 𝐡⃗⃗⃗ and  
uniform gravitational field 𝑔⃗ exist in mutually perpendicular direction. A charged particle is  
moving with uniform velocity in this region. Once the particle leaves this region and another  
where there is only 𝑔⃗ , its speed begins to decrease. How long after leaving the first region  
does the velocity of particle reach the minimum value?


Answer : t=E/Bg

Asked By: RISHI
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Asked By: TONY
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Sir, actually I think this question consists of both concepts of magnetism and electric field and potential.....
Asked By: TONY
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ANS :-  (a) Yes (b) omega = 1/ RC
Asked By: RISHI
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Joshi sir comment
ANS :- 2 V/m
Asked By: RISHI
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Joshi sir comment
sir pls upload a video with detailed explanation as soon as possible
Asked By: HARDIK
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An electron originates at a point A lying on the axis of a straight solenoid and moves with a velocity v at an angle Ξ± to the axis. The magnetic induction of the field is B. Find the distance r from the axis to the point on the screen into which the electron strikes. The screen is oriented at right angles to the axis and is located at a distance l from the point A.


Thanks in advance sir.

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