
10. In the figure above AD = 4, AB = 3 and CD = 9. What is the area of triangle AEC ?

A. 18
B. 13.5
C. 9
D. 4.5
E. 3

Read 2 Solution.

triangle AEB ~ triangle DEC

Therefore,  AE/ED = CD/AB

That is, x/(4-x) = 9/3

On simlifying, we get x = AE = 1 and DE = 3

Area of triangle ADC = 1/2 × CD × AD = 1/2 × 9 × 4 = 18

Area of triangle EDC = 1/2 × 9 × 3 = 13.5

Therefore, Area of triangle AEC = Area of triangle ADC – Area of triangle EDC

                                                          = 18 – 13.5

                                                          = 4.5

That is Option D is the correct answer.

VIDYA SAGAR 11 year ago is this solution helpfull: 6 2
MOUZA 10 year ago is this solution helpfull: 2 1

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