- Organic Chemistry
- Aldehydes and Ketones
- Alkyl Halides, Alcohols and ethers
- Amines and other nitrogen compounds
- Aromatic Chemistry
- Carbohydrates, Amino acids, protein, Vitamin and Fat
- Carboxylic acids and its derivatives
- Chemistry in daily life
- General Mechanism in organic compounds
- Hydrocarbons
- Nomenclature and isomerism
3 - Amines and other nitrogen compounds Questions Answers
How reaction takes place between
CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2 and CHCl3/alco.KOH giving foul smell.
This is well known Reimer Tiemann reaction
Product will be
sir, can please write atopic on amins for reactions?
very soon
starting from benzene
1. 1,2,4 tribromo benzene
2. ortho crisol
3. ortho hydroxy toluene
4. ortho carboxyl toluene
5. m-bromo phenol
1) First prepare aniline from benzene via nitro track, it is ortho para director so by bromination 2,4 dibromo aniline will be formed then change NH2 to Br via diazonium track.
2) First prepare toluene from benzene, then place NH2 in ortho position and change it into OH via diazonium track.
3) same as 2.
4) First prepare toluene from benzene, then place Br in ortho position and change it into COOH via grignard track.
5) First prepare nitro benzene, it is meta director so form m- bromo nitro benzene, then change nitro to amino and amino to OH via diazonium track.