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12 - Electrochemistry Questions Answers
what is kholarsh law ?
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According to the law, the total molar conductance of a solution will be the sum of ionic conductance of the anion and cation of the electolyte
for example molar condutance of NaCl solution = λNa+ + λCl-
what will be the value of molar conductance for 0.001M aqueoussolution for NH3 ? giveen k =1.6*10-5 and equivalent conductance=0.0238
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Joshi sir comment
NH3 + H+(aq) = NH4+
0.001 0 at start
0.001(1-α) 0.001α at eq.
now k = 0.001α / 0.001(1-α)
solve this equation for α and getconcentration of NH4+
then use the formula molar conductance = eq. conductance / concentration of NH4+