- Organic Chemistry
- Aldehydes and Ketones
- Alkyl Halides, Alcohols and ethers
- Amines and other nitrogen compounds
- Aromatic Chemistry
- Carbohydrates, Amino acids, protein, Vitamin and Fat
- Carboxylic acids and its derivatives
- Chemistry in daily life
- General Mechanism in organic compounds
- Hydrocarbons
- Nomenclature and isomerism
5 - Chemical Kinetics Questions Answers
C2H4O --------------> CO + CH4
t P (C2H4O)
0 116.6
5 116.6-[122.56-116.6] = 116.6-5.96 = 110.64
7 116.6-[125.72-116.6] = 116.6-9.12 = 107.48
similarly others then find k for different readings by first order equation. k will be same for all readings.
the radiation from a naturally ocuring radioactive substance as seen after deflection by a magnetic field in one direction are
(a) α rays
(b) β rays
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) either α or β-rays
(d) because one will move opposite to the other
the amount of U-235 required per day to run a power house of capacity 50 MW (efficiency of nuclear reactor 75%. Assume energy liberated by fission of 1 U-235 atom is 200 Mev) is
(a) 15.8gm
(b) 28.1gm
(d) none of these
let x gm is required
then according to the given condition
(x/235)*6.023*1023*200*106*1.6*10-19 = 50*106*86400
how can we find log and antilogs without the help of log and antilogs tables
there are methods but these are not good for all cases
two flasks A and Bcontain helium and hydrogen gases at 270C and 1 atm pressure. If volume of each vessel is 2L then flask B contains....
(1) The same number of atoms as in B , (2) same weight of gasas in B , (3) dubble the number of atoms asin A (4)half of the number of atoms in A , ?
answer by nikhil is correct
in his answer Na represents avagadro number not sodium