575 - Physics Questions Answers

Which of the following have maximum percentage of total K.E. in rotational form while pure rolling – Disc, Sphere, Ring or Hollow sphere. PLZ  EXPLAIN  ALSO.

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Joshi sir comment

total kinetic energy of a rolling body = mv2/2 + Iω2/2 = mv2/2 + Iv2​/2r2 = (mv2/2)[1+I/mr2

rotational kinetic energy of a rolling body =  Iω2/2 = Iv2​/2r2 = (mv2/2)[I/mr2

so ratio R. K. E. / T. K. E. =  (mv2/2)[I/mr2] /  (mv2/2)[1+I/mr2] = [I/mr2] / [1+I/mr2]

                                                                                          = [I/I+mr2

                                                                                          = 1/[1+(mr2/I)]

I is max. for a ring so ratio will be max. for a ring




To a billiard ball  of mass M and radius r a horizontal impulse is given passing through its centre of mass and it provides velocity u to its centre of mass. If coefficient of friction between the ball and the horizontal surface is μ, then after how much time ball starts pure rolling?


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for translational motion 

0-μMg = Ma so a = -μg

so after time t velocity v = u--μgt

for rotational motion 

about centre, μMgr = Iα = 2Mr2α/5

so α = 5μg/2r

so ω = 0 + αt

so ω = 5μgt/2r

for pure rolling

v = rω implies that u-μgt = r5μgt/2r

implies that u = 7μgt/2

so t = 2u/7μg 


The thin circular ring shown below has mass M and length L. A force F acts at one end at an angle 30° with the horizontal and the rod is free to rotate about the other end in the plane of force. Initial angular acceleration of the rod is

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ring or rod, first clear it

A thin circular ring slips down a smooth incline then rolls down a rough incline of identical geometry from same height. Ratio of time taken in the two motion is

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in first slipping takes place whereas in second rolling takes place 

for first accleration = g sinθ

and for second acceleration = g sinθ/[1+(I/mr2)]

now use s = ut + at2/2

A simple pendulum of mass and length L is held in horizontal position. If it is released from this position, then find the angular momentum of the bob about the point of suspension when it is vertically below the point of suspension.

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by energy conservation v = √(2gL) below the point of suspension

so angular momentum = mvL about the point of suspension

A rod of length L and mass m is free to rotate about its one end in vertical plane. If it is released from horizontal position, then find torque on rod about end of rotation , when it makes an angle θ with vertical line

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force is mg and perpendicular distance from axis l/2 sinθ

now calculate

Four solid rigid balls each of mass m and radius r are fixed on a rigid ring of radius 2r and mass 2m.The system is whirled about ‘O’. The radius of gyration of the system is 128 mr2/30. How???

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about O 

M. I. of ring = 2m(2r)2

M. I. of one ball = 2mr2/5 + m(2r)2 = 22mr2/5

so total = 8mr2 + 4*22mr2/5 


One other thing is that the question is wrong, in the place of radius of gyration, you should write moment of inertia

In an electrical circuit...

H = W = i2Rt   [ H directly proportional to R ]

But i2Rt can also be written as (V/R) x (V/R) x R x t  =  V2t/R...

H = W =  V2t/R .  [ H inversely proportional to R ]


therefore my question is how can heat be both directly and inversely proportional to the resistance in the circuit??

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Joshi sir comment

you should take the formula in which one variable is constant and for a circuit current will be constant

In an electrical circuit...

H = W = (i x i) x R x t   [ H directly proportional to R ]

H = W =  (V x V) x t /R .  [ H inversely proportional to R ]

So is Heat Generated directly proportional or inversely proportional to the resistance in the circuit ??

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Joshi sir comment

H = W = (i x i) x R x t   [ H directly proportional to R ]

this one is correct for the heat generated

The rate of doing work by force acting on a particle moving along x-axis depends on position x of particle and is equal to 2x. The velocity of particle is given by 

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Rate of doing work is power so according to the given condition 

P = 2x

so Fv = 2x

or m(dv/dt)v = 2x

or m(vdv/dx)v = 2x

or mv2dv = 2xdx

now integrate.

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