68 - Rotational mechanics Questions Answers

What is the minimum coefficient of friction for a solid sphere to roll without slipping on an inclined plane of inclination θ?

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friction f = mgsinθ/[1+(mr2/I)]

solve for sphere and compare to μmgcosθ


Find the moment of inertia of a uniform square plate of mass M and edge a about one of its diagonals.

(1) Ma/ 12

(2) 2/3 x Ma2

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let the moment of inertia about a diagonal = I

then by perpendicular axis theorem 2I = 1/6 Ma2

now calculate I

Two sphere are rotating about their own axis if axis of rotation of these axis are perpendicular to each other than angular acceleration of one with respect to other
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let the angular velocities are ω1 ω2

then angular acceleration of one w. r. t. other =  ω1 ω2

A ball of mass 1 kg is projected with a velocity of 20√2 m/s from the origin of an xy coordinates axis system at an angle 45° with x-axis (horizontal). The angular momentum of the ball about the point of projection after 2s of projection is [take g=10 m/s2] (y-axis is taken as vertical)

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initial vertical and horizontal velocities are 20 m/s and 20 m/s

after 2 sec. vertical and horizontal velocities are 0 m/s and 20 m/s

and y and x displacements are 20 m and 40 m

so about point of projection angular momentum after 2 sec.

= mvxy - mvyx = 1*20*20 - 1*0*40 = 400

A disc of mass 3kg rolls down an inclined plane of height 5 m. The translational kinetic energy of the disc on reaching the bottom of the inclined plane is

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mgh = 1/2 mv2 + 1/2 Iω2

I for the disc about centre = 1/2 MR

and for pure rolling v = Rω

calculate v then 1/2 mv2

A heavy solid sphere is thrown on a horizontal rough surface with initial velocity u without rolling. What will be its speed, when it starts pure rolling motion

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for translational motion 

0-μMg = Ma so a = -μg

so after time t velocity v = u-μgt  (1)

for rotational motion 

about centre, μMgr = Iα = 2Mr2α/5

so α = 5μg/2r

so ω = 0 + αt

so ω = 5μgt/2r  (2)

for pure rolling

v = rω implies that u-μgt = r5μgt/2r

implies that u = 7μgt/2

so t = 2u/7μg 

now put t in (1) for getting v

Two rings of same mass and radius R are placed with their planes perpendicular to each other and centres  at a common point. The radius of gyration of the system about an axis passing through the centre and perpendicular to the plane of one ring is

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The axis passing through the centre of one ring and perpendicular to the plane will be diametric axis of the other ring 

so moment of inertia about that axis = MR2 + 1/2 MR2 = 3/2 MR2

now compare it to Mk2 and get k, it is radius of gyration

A man of mass 60 kg is standing on a boat of mass 140 kg , which is at rest in still water. The man is initially at 20 m from the shore. He starts walking on the boat for 4s with constant speed 1.5 m/s towards the shore. The final distance of the man from the shore is

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distance covered in boat = 1.5*4 = 6 m 

and for making the position of centre of mass undistubed displacement of boat in opposite direction = x (let) 

by law of conservation of momentum (140+60)*v = 60*1.5 

                                                               so v = 90/200 = 0.45 m/s

so displacement of boat = 0.45*4 = 1.8 m

so final distance of the man from the shore = 20-6+1.8 = 15.8 m 

A horizontal disc rotating freely about a vertical axis through its centre makes 90 revolutions per minute. A small piece of wax of mass m falls vertically on the disc and sticks to it at a distance r from the axis. If the number of revolutions per minute reduce to 60, then  the moment of inertia of the disc is

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use I1ω1 = I2ω2

let moment of inertia of disc about given axis is I

then I2π90/60 = [I+mr2]2π60/60

solve it

A uniform rod of mass m and length l is suspended by two strings at its ends. When one of the strings is cut, the rod starts falling with an initial angular acceleration

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after cutting one string eq. of motion will be 

mg-T = ma

mg*l/2 = Iα

put I = ml2/3 and get the answer 

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